Assignment for BCA.

Hi All,
Here is inform you BCA-2, Please submit assignment on Tomorrow 18/01/2019.

Note: From the following image write answers of those questions which are completed in syllabus.

  1.        WAP in html to design a Bio-Data (Resume).
  2.        WAP in html to create a webpage with four frames (Picture, table, list, and hyperlink).
  3.       WAP in html to show India map.(Using Image Map). 
  4.        Explain the concept of CSS and its uses with an example.

Assignment of WT

Hi all.
       This to inform you from BCA -2 (sem 4) ;  Please submit the assignment of subject Web Technology on or before Tuesday, 07/01/2020.
       Refer the following questions.

Q.1.What is Internet? Explain its applications.
Q. 2. Explain web browser and server.
Q.3.Explain Table tag with its attributes.
Q.4. What is CSS? Explain types of CSS.
Q.5.What is frame? Explain about creating divided frames.
Q.6. Explain:
i) List Tags.
ii) form tag
iii) Image tag